I like oxymorons....I thought I'd start this up...just for laughs!
I will get us started with a few.
Microsoft Works
Military Intelligence
Jumbo Shrimp
feather weight
lead balloon
Moron in charge... and he knows how to use an oxy-acetaline blow torch cos he saw it done once...therefore he is an oxymoron.
Hmmm... so does that mean if I stand on my head I'm actually the right way up??? .......
The fact that you said that is gonna keep me up all night...lol!
My ex wife used to say up in under. Would that be a trioxymoron?
Hehe, who needs Viagra, then... if the lunacy at WC keeps you (and no doubt others) up all night.
Not exactly an oxymoron, but this is something we used to say as kids...
I went to the pictures tomorrow, and took a front seat at the back
but I fell from the stalls to the gallery, and broke a toe bone in my back.
You must have had a wild childhood...lol. We sang songs like:
Comet...it makes your sink so clean
Comet...it tastes like gasoline
Comet...will make you vomit,
So try comet, and vomit today!
Yup, sure did... even had a duel once...
One fine day in the middle of the night
Me and a dead mate got up to fight
back to back we faced each other
Drew our swords and shot each other.
So shine yer buttons wiv Brasso, you can get it for 3 ha'pence a tin
You can buy or flog it from Woolworths but I don't think they got any in.
true blood
Frost proof
Super bad.
intense apathy
freezer burn
icy hot
burnt charcoal