Well guys and gals, so far I can't get Windowblinds to skin Windows 7....bummer! I will make further reports as I get them, feel free to add your own notes, if you use the Beta Windows 7.
Just Loaded Windows 7 , all seems OK so far as far as windows stuff
no time yet to try Stardock stuff , have no sound though no drivers
yet for the sound card - will keep in touch , as i plow through 7
and check things out .....
What soundcard are you running?
As I stated above, these are preliminary findings as I install. You are correct, fences does not run after reboot.
What version did you install? Or is there a version choice like Vista? When I explored the DVD it appears to have the same choices for install as a vista DVD, Basic, home premium, and Ultimate.
I am waiting to do a full backup tonight of my current Vista install before I install the beta so it will be tomorrow before I check it out.
Not being able to run or create dreams would stop me from running the beta on my main system with out a dual boot.
Derbal213 and PuterDude,
Thank You kindly, i will give it a go and see what it's like, i am looking forward to this.
Keep my fingers crossed that most of it will work with my apps and games. That would be wonderful!!!
Take care and thank you again,
Quick Question: Was it difficult to setup? Or was it fairly smooth? Just curious before i start the installation. THank you!!
Does anyone know if Stardock intends to do any kind of 'public' Windows 7 beta testing for it's software? I always love trying out new stuff, and helping SD get itself in order before windows 7 comes out publically is the kind of thing I'd love to do.
Quite possibly...but the issue is that the OS is still in Beta...so compatibility can/may be broken between now and when 7 goes Gold.
Similar issue occurred with Vista....XP.....2000....98.....95......[you'll see a trend]...
I think it was the smoothest I've seen, at least for a full install, which I did on my new laptop.Only rebooted twice, i think. Maybe just once, now that I think of it. Let it get updates before installation.
Windows 7 Report:
My mistake , i DO have sound , spoke to soon
I installed win 7 Ultimate too , sure is fast ,of course i haven't loaded a bunch
of crap on it yet,either ! startup and shutdown real fast too.
Hardware so far OK , all drivers loaded except 2 printers ..
The Duel Boot with Vista worked out great , no problem to Vista
so far anyway - i did back-up though -
if your still yet to load 7 don't forget to windows format your
partition using vista before you try to load the OS or it won't take
I'm also able to post in the forum here using IE8 with win 7 in
Vista I can't post using IE FF or Opera , i have to use Chrome to post..
....... Don't forget to do Windows Updates ........ loaded a few drivers
i needed ...also it just found and loaded the drivers for the HP printer
but not the lexmark ... so all hardware working with windows drivers
that windows loaded except the one printer - that's a good thing!!
......... more to follow ...Az
Yeah, but at least this way you'll have a leg up on fixing whatever goes wrong
Do not use Bootskin! I did and I had to reinstall win7! Didn't boot no more and the repair function didn't work either.
See this: https://forums.wincustomize.com/336036/page/1/#2015017
Reply #12 of this thread.