Talisman skins and wallpapers
Nautical Pixel, where are you....
Published on September 19, 2008 By PuterDudeJim In WinCustomize Talk

   It was suggested that someone start this up again, and I decided that I would. If there is any interest in this project, I will gladly do it if everyone will send me their tags in PNG or PSD format.With a transparent background, please. I am not the best wallpaper artist here, but am willing to give it a go. If you are still out there, Nautical, I am not trying to steal your thunder, just trying to help. It is a cool idea, and I think a lot of people are interested.

  Release date will be by the 16th of October, which happens to be my birthday...lol.  I have no qualms about my email being in this post, so email your tags to PuterDudeJim@aol.com.   

Comments (Page 7)
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on Sep 27, 2008

i'm behind the wall now
  wanna resend? or I can use the one I have, or I can alter it.


on Sep 27, 2008

Maybe, instead of the cat, winky should be up there...lol.

on Sep 27, 2008

NO... please keep the kitty hes soo CUTE... you can add the Winky but please keep the Kitty and doggie



thanks PDj..


I would add a tag but I am just a customer not a skinner...

Nice work and I greatly await this to be released



on Sep 27, 2008


i'm behind the wall now  wanna resend? or I can use the one I have, or I can alter it.

Just do the way you think it will be better 

on Sep 27, 2008

 Hmmmm... Seems my logo is too large. Can you reduce it to 70-80%? Please!!!!

on Sep 27, 2008

You're bigger than life Vad_M

on Sep 27, 2008

I would add a tag but I am just a customer not a skinner...
Same here . . but it's not a "skinner wall"  it's a "community wall"

on Sep 27, 2008

I would add a tag but I am just a customer not a skinner...

This is open to all "subscribers", which you are.

Edit...I didn't notice that Zubaz covered this.

on Sep 27, 2008

Hmmmm... Seems my logo is too large. Can you reduce it to 70-80%? Please!!!!


I did, but will do so again...lol.  I guess I liked it. If I reduce it much more, it won't read well.  

on Sep 27, 2008

i'm behind the wall now wanna resend? or I can use the one I have, or I can alter it.

Just do the way you think it will be better

Well, it is a little white...lol. Up to you, man. Your tag.  

on Sep 27, 2008

I would add a tag but I am just a customer not a skinner...

Tag me, Anne Marie....and what do you mean by Just a customer? If it weren't for Just customers, none of us would be here.     

on Sep 27, 2008


on Sep 27, 2008

on Sep 27, 2008

Reply #103


Nice , but I will have to remove the black background. Wanna redo?  Transparent backgrounds is what I need, guess I should have stated that at first.  This is why I need png format.  

on Sep 27, 2008


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